The Big 3-0

What a decade it has been and also excited to open my 30’s!  Today is also Heather's and our youngest’s birthday as well. It really is a party house over here!

As I approached my birthday I kept thinking about what I have learned in the last year of my 20s. 29 will always be a big year for me. Full of lessons, love, courage, and change. A year ago, I began writing a book outline as I thought writing a book would be how I would want to tell the rest of my family and friends that I am gay. But life has since taught me that I needed to gain more experience before I finish my book which meant opening up to my family and friends. That was a big step of courage. 

But before all that took place, I got to fulfill a bucket list item which was to collaborate with Advanced Bionics and tell my hearing loss and connection story. Which was released 2 months ago and I got to do it with Heather! It was such a neat experience and how cool that part of my story was documented in such a beautiful way. 

Another change that took place was getting a vasectomy as we felt at peace and complete with our family. Our three kids are the best and keep us on our toes. We are loving each stage we reach with them and also learn about the different challenges those stages bring. It is a beautiful life. 

I also reached my 5-year anniversary with my current employer and blessed to have the team I work with. I continue to learn and grow in my understanding of 3D design / virtual photography and management. 

Heather and I reached our 8-year anniversary and our outlook on life has continued to expand and our hearts are learning what it means to love, encourage and support each other. She is amazing. 

We also became homeschool parents to our kids and pulled them out of their school for many reasons but I love seeing them learn, grow and become the kids they are. They love fiercely. 

Amidst all these milestones, we also know that not every day is all sunshine and rainbows. There are still days where we are still figuring out life and building our puzzle of life. This has been my go-to song when uncertainty comes in. 

Here is to a new decade, 30’s, and continuing to learn and love life. Our 6-year-old also claimed that I am now an adult at the age of 30 and can tell the world.


David B. Cluff

Instagram • YouTube • TikTok | @davidbcluff
Life Beyond the Expected: Identity, Cochlear Implants, Growth, and New Beginnings

Sounding Off


"The broken and beautiful”