Facing The Truth • Part Two

Remember last years post titled "Facing The Truth?" It feels like yesterday that I wrote that and now it is time to face the reality. Consider this part two of "Facing The Truth."

In that post, I spoke more about my right ear and the need to have surgery to get the upgrade. That will still happen but not just yet, at least not for another few years. (I hope) BUT, my left ear does need to get an upgrade.

Recently, the manufacturer that makes my cochlear implant discontinued all the products to support my left ear, including the processor (the external part of the cochlear implant). They came out with a new cochlear implant processor that I will need to upgrade to in order to ensure the best hearing and support. Today I submitted my application for the upgrade and hope to have it done this summer before school starts back up. The insurance should be able to cover most of the cost. The upgrade for the processor is around $10,000. If everything goes smoothly, we should only have to worry about $3,000 of it.

When I got my first cochlear implant at age six for my right ear, the insurance would not pay for the $50,000.00 procedure and that was not the kind of money my family had. Between family, friends, and lots of miracles, the $50,000.00 was paid for and I was able to hear my parents once again.

One of my fondest memories of that time was being woken up after falling asleep to find my classmates at the door with their jars full of coins and dollar bills. There is no miracle too small as to me that was one of the biggest miracles of all.

It takes a team to make this upgrade possible. Not only will the donations help go towards the processor but the extra doctor's appointments to get me all set up with the new processor.

If you are able to help make this possible, please visit my GoFundMe page: https://www.gofundme.com/davidbcluff 

David B. Cluff

Instagram • YouTube • TikTok | @davidbcluff
Life with a cochlear implant, finding identity, and documenting the silent moments.


Moments Like These


Behind The Lens