Embrace It

Last week held some interesting experiences. I had to try new things and I was not sure I would like them. But I learned that I will have to embrace it and try the best I can. On Monday, December 12, 2011, I had to be an actor for a special training film that a team at a hospital has been working on. I was worried as I have never acted before or knew what they really wanted me to do. Once I arrived and the camera guy said "go" I was nervous at first but after a few test runs I got more and more comfortable. I ended up enjoying it and having fun working with the awesome team!

On Thursday, December 15th, 2011, I got my new processor turned on! It was very exciting and also a very humbling experience for me. Since the new processer (an upgrade from my previous one) has the most up to date technology, compared to a previous processor, my way of hearing has changed once again. I can tell everything about the processor has improved and is smarter. When we first turned it on I was shocked as I was not expecting such a huge difference and I did not like it. This was all to be expected and with the help from my fabulous audiologist team they worked on a few things and tried to make it comfortable for me, hearing wise. After we got to the point where I felt comfortable enough to wear the new processer they let me go out into the world and experience it. I was a worried but I knew that over time I would soon adapt to the new processor and I would be just fine. During the rest of the day it felt like I was learning to hear all over again but with a firm foundation. I had to refrain myself from comparing what my hearing was like before but rather just embrace this new change and not look back. Let me tell you it is hard! Throughout my first few days I had moments of wishing I could just go back to what I was most comfortable with. Each day I am improving and getting more and more comfortable with it. I am forever grateful for all those who help make it possible for me to get to this point as it is a huge miracle for me.

Friday, December 16, 2011, finally came! It really came! I got my mission call--a letter stating where I will be serving as a missionary for two years for my church. I got called to the Salt Lake City, Utah Mission, English speaking!! I am really excited about it!!  I will report on April 11, 2012.

From each one of these experiences I learned and continue to learn that there are times where we just have to embrace it and do the best that we can.

David B. Cluff

Instagram • YouTube • TikTok | @davidbcluff
Life with a cochlear implant, finding identity, and documenting the silent moments.


You Know


Finding My Voice